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Our history

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Founded in 1869 by Edmond Addé, Knight of Agricultural Merit, the estate quickly gained recognition for the quality of its wines. Successes began to accumulate as early as 1879 with awards in Paris, followed by Bordeaux in 1882. Preuillac wines also made their mark internationally with distinctions in Antwerp in 1885 and in Liège in 1906.

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In 1922, Edmond Addé handed over the reins to Théodore Crozat, who further solidified the estate's reputation. By 1932, Preuillac wines achieved the prestigious recognition of Cru Bourgeois du Médoc, right from the inception of this classification.

In the early 1970s, under the leadership of Raymond Boüet, the château entered a period of renewal. Ignoring its viticultural past, Boüet rediscovered the potential of the estate, initiated by Edmond Addé in 1869. Following Boüet, in 1984, his family took over until 1998, when the estate was acquired by the Mau and Dirkzwager families.


Under the direction of Jean-Christophe Mau, significant renovations were undertaken, with the assistance of Stéphane Derenoncourt. In 2014, the estate was sold to the company SAS Vin Plus, which has maintained the continuity of the work, benefiting from the expertise of Derenoncourt Consultants.

The Crus Bourgeois Classification

The history of the Crus Bourgeois dates back several centuries, when Bordeaux merchants, benefiting from tax exemptions under English rule, acquired the best parcels in the Médoc, forming the "Crus des Bourgeois." This hierarchy began in the 19th century and gradually took shape, leading to an official classification in 1932, which served as a reference for decades. During this ranking, Château Preuillac was recognized as a "Cru Bourgeois."

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In 1962, the creation of the Syndicat des Crus Bourgeois du Médoc helped to structure and defend this appellation. An official classification of the Crus Bourgeois was first approved in 2003, though it was controversial and annulled in 2007. A new quality approach was then implemented, with official approval in 2009. Since 2010, an official selection of Crus Bourgeois has been published annually.

Château Preuillac recognized as Cru Bourgeois supérieur

In 2020, a new five-year classification was introduced, reintroducing the levels of "Cru Bourgeois," "Cru Bourgeois Supérieur," and "Cru Bourgeois Exceptionnel." Among the recognized châteaux, Château Preuillac particularly distinguished itself, obtaining the "Cru Bourgeois Supérieur" mention in 2020, affirming its position as a quality reference in the Médoc.

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